Types of Memberships, Qualifications and Election
The membership of the corporation shall be constituted as outlined below.
The twenty-five individuals whose names appear on the list attached hereto and marked Exhibit “A” are the Charter Members of Las Damas. No additional charter members shall be elected.
It is the desire of the Board of Directors and members to honor our charter members. Therefore, it is resolved that all charter members of Las Damas, in recognition of their endeavors and enthusiasms in promoting the congeniality and success of the organization, shall have their membership considered paid in full forever.
It is the desire of the Board of Directors and the membership to honor those ladies who have participated in 25 Las Damas Five-Day rides. Therefore, after participation in 25 annual rides, members, and associate members, are declared life members or associate life members with their membership considered paid in full forever.
The Las Damas Board of Directors does hereby declare the membership categories of riding and non-riding eliminated; all members who were in either category are now declared regular members. Henceforth a regular member is anyone who is accepted into club membership after completing the requirements listed under Article II Qualifications and Elections. Members sponsoring a riding guest on the 5-day or a monthly ride must also be riding, or provide the name of a member (riding) to accompany said guest on her behalf. Any guest or member shall bring only one horse on any club ride.
The status of membership is to recognize those ladies attending their five Annual rides as a guest rider and encourage their continued participation in Las Damas activities. The five annual rides required for Associate Membership eligibility need not be in consecutive order. There is no limit on the number of Associate Las Damas Members that may be added to the corporation.
1. Associate Members do not need to be sponsored on any Las Damas function and will receive notice of all rides and other Las Damas activities.
2. Associate Members may serve on committees other than as chairperson.
3. Associate Members may not hold corporate office, serve on the Board of Directors or vote on corporate matters.
4. Associate Members may sponsor returning guests of the Annual Five-Day Ride or any guest on a monthly ride, but may not sponsor a first year guest on the Annual 5-Day Ride.
5. Associate Members are responsible for associate member fees for the Annual Five-Day Ride, monthly rides and other Las Damas activities, plus annual dues equal to that paid by the regular membership.
6. Associate Members are still eligible for regular membership in Las Damas under the stipulations set forth in the corporate By-Laws for regular riding members.
To determine the number of available openings for new members each year, the Board of Directors will subtract the number of members riding on the immediate past 5-day ride from 75; thereby insuring that the number of members actively riding remains at approximately 75 persons.
Membership is open to those individuals who are recommended in writing by a current member and at the invitation of the Board of Directors and have fulfilled the following: Participation in at least six regularly scheduled rides of the corporation within the immediate three years. All of these activities shall have been participated in as a rider mounted on horseback. These rides must consist of two Annual Five-Day Rides and three regularly scheduled monthly rides. The sixth ride can be either the Annual Five-Day Ride or a regularly scheduled monthly ride. Regular corporate rides are: the Annual Five-Day Ride and the monthly rides on the third Thursday of October, November, January, February, and March. The Board of Directors shall de
Honorary Members may be elected from time to time by the Board of Directors in recognition of their interest in the activity of the corporation.